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Queen Ann's Lace


Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Daucus carota

The ordinal wild carrot, yes it is. This is the seed head. The flower is that white blur on the right.

This is why one of it's common names is 'Queen Ann's Lace'. The wind was blowing like crazy that day and I wasn't able to get a very clear picture, but this should be a familiar site along roadsides or unmanicured fields.

The seed head is as beautiful as the flower.

These were in full bloom, right alongside some seed heads, which I find unusual. Normally it's one and then the other. Note: those are not the leaves. These wild carrots were sticking way up high and their delicate carrot leaves are near the ground.

They are just here on the side of the road along with blackberries and various wild grasses. Funny, I never thought to pull one up to see if there was a little carrot there. Next time!




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